Technology Tips

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Some practical advice:

· Google TALK — If you are tired of typing your emails and wish you could just TALK to your addressees, wait no more! Google created Google Talk and, once you have an account on Google, you can start sending voice emails. 

· What you need — Provided your computer has a mike and it is turned on, sending emails was never easier. We have created a simple video taking you through the steps of creating your own Google account and, subsequently, downloading the Google Talk program on your computer and using it to TALK. The best thing is, your addressees don’t have to have a Google account in order to receive your Google Talk messages.  

· Click HERE for a link on creating a Google account. 
· And Click HERE for a link on how to download and use Goggle TALK. Have fun.  

Also below we show you a new communication feature by Google - Google Video